Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring is here!

Finally. After a winter that was not a winter after all - we have stepped into a reluctant spring. It is kind of cool, kind of warm. But if you are the sort that jumps into sleeveless sweatshirts and light capris as soon as the sky outside becomes a pale blue - like me - Spring is here to stay!

After the long rainy spring and summer of last year - this is a very refreshing change. Bright, crisp, sunny, beautiful - green. I think the colour of England should really be green. The trees have this mysterious quality that reminds me of the ivy infused greenish atmosphere of the Robin Hood land. It is this ephemeral green that seems to hang between the trees as though it is not the green of the leaves but the green of the air, that the very essence of the ether in a woodland is viewed through a green lens. Wow! is the word. It is so pleasing, happy and otherworldly that you feel like one of the elves from a Lord of Rings still.

Muddy brown Thames, green banks, blue skies, white clouds, colourful boats bobbing up and down, canoes and paddles being readied along the length of the banks in Richmond - it is one of the most beautiful sights in the world even. There is this placidness, a certain 'je ne sais quoi', sang froid in the landscape that is entirely British. Something that says nothing changes if the above scenario is converted to a black Thames reflecting the clouds above, no sun, no warmth, nor mirth in the air. Nothing changes. The guy biting on his tobacco wearing a sailor's cap will exchange it for a poncho and go about his work. Quintessential picture of 'Adathu mazhai peithalum vidathu nadagam nadatha padum'.

Closing my eyes, I am trying to visualize what I felt today walking down the street. It was strangely vacuous - just a happy nothingness that filled me. I was too drunk in the sunshine to be having serious thoughts. Surely I did not think that I would come back and blog. Spring is definitely around!

One thought that I did have was that I should not waste the sunshine. The few precious months that the sun is out so long. It is a pity that I cannot fill a drum with it and use it over winter. It is one of those ' now or never' moments that should galvanize you to just get going. Ohmygod! The sun is going to set. What a frivolous worry - given the problems facing the world. Situation in Ukraine, climate changes, black holes and all I worry about is the sun setting?

Well. That is my world. I close my eyes to the problems that we face everyday. Those few minutes in the sun make me think that everything is alright. Whatever happens the sun keeps shining. Above the clouds. Above the rain. Above all the chaos that rages around me. When I lift my head up and see the sun - in that minute my face creases into a smile. My mind freezes into a happy nothingness and I forget everything but the warmth.

Tomorrow be another day. The sun shall still shine!